Sunday, February 23, 2014



"At the bank of sacred river
At the branch of profane tree
A bird sits in her nest everyday
Do you know it's name ?
every day she washes her body
But never ever touches river water
She sings song sitting on the branch
But doesn't eat fruit of the tree
Some one says its an illusion
Many claim it's an emotion
She is always unwanted,un-searched for

But she is guest in every-body's heart

She is incomprehensible but inextinguishable

She plays with fire,swims over cloud

She searches for eternal ocean

She touches the head of distance mountain
I see her at the end of dream village
At the truth of cremation ground
I see,feel and experience her in life
You say it's sweet hypocrisy
But it's unforgettable memory of life
I claim and call it's immanent LOVE"

..............................SAROJ SAMAL

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